Here we are again in my small kitchen waiting to embark on another food adventure. Today we are going to try a canned product called, "All Day Breakfast." Yes, that is right, I said canned product. Who knew you could find breakfast in a can. Maybe this is a leftover from war rations or food rations stored in a bomb shelter but either way, I found it while on a trip to one of our local food stores.
"All Day Breakfast" in a can. |
At first, I walked past it hardly even noticing it. I then found myself circling back around to have a more thorough look. At the time, I thought that this was curious but probably not good eating so I put it down and left the store but after thinking about it for a couple of days, I couldn't get over my curiosity and headed back to the store and bought a couple for David and I to try.
So today my blog is going to be a bit different. In the past, I would make some food and then write about the experience. Today, I am going to write as we go. Right now I have my oven heating, once again making a guess as to which setting on the oven is correct. As I read the ingredient label, hoping to get a sense of what we will be eating, I am a bit perplexed at the ingredients. It says, "Cumberland Sausage (5%), Bacon (5%), Black Pudding (3%), and Beans (7%) in a tomato sauce, topped with pastry". Now stay with me here, but if you do the math that is only about 20% accounted for and the other 80% is a mystery. Can't Wait!
Oh look, the oven is ready so let's go!
I just used the can-opener to open it. I am not sure I will be able to use this hand again for several days. Let me put it this way, if you are an elderly person whose only food source is this canned breakfast, and all you have to do is use your can-opener to get to this goodness then you might starve. It was really difficult to open. Maybe it was my can-opener but couldn't they have made it a pull top? Anyway, it is in the oven at 200 C/fan. It says 25 minutes but I think I will keep an eye on this.
Lids off, ready to bake. |
You know, the British never cease to amaze me. I haven't tasted it yet but look at the pastry. I looks like a puff pastry and as it tested it with my finger it was just that, flaky. It smells a bit like a can of heated SpaghettiOs, that I would often eat as a child. Whether this is a good thing or not I am not sure. I certainly hope that it is not SpaghettiOs with a puff pastry.
Right from the Oven |
Where to start? I just tasted it. Now I know that I am a foodie and often critical of food. If you take me to a restaurant, I will enjoy the dinner but I often find that I am making food notes in my head of what I would or would not have done in preparation of my food order. I don't think that I will buy this particular food product again unless the Zombie Apocalypse is upon us and I am getting ready to hide in my bunker with enough food supplies to sustain me for a long period of time.
While the crust was flaky on the top, it was mushy closer to the sauce. The meat was indistinguishable. I couldn't find any bacon, the meat I was looking forward to eating, and there was only a scattering of beans in a loose tomato sauce. David and I both only took a couple of bites and decided that the science project was now over.
The only issue now, we were both excited for a second breakfast so I think that I will be making us another version of "All Day Breakfast", for lunch. Maybe one that includes eggs and bacon.