The bags are packed, the passports are ready, the house is clean and we are ready to go to England. It has all the potential of being an exciting vacation but this is so much different than any vacation we have taken in the past. Let’s back up, it has been our intention for almost a year that we would spend more time in England, while Kenny was deployed. We had plans to pop in and out, spending several weeks at a time, helping Kim with the boys and mostly just playing with our grandsons. Fast forward to now and the world is a different place than it was a year ago. There is no popping in and out of countries, flying around the world with carefree abandonment. Now with the Coronavirus affecting all aspects of our lives we had to rethink our strategy. So, after running and operating a B&B for 8 years we had to make several life changes. We have closed the Inn, are in the process of purchasing a small apartment, or flat, near Kenny and Kim and will spend periods of up to 6 months living in England.
This has all the makings of being a very exciting and complicated time of our lives. The complicated part will be all the restrictions that are part of living with the virus. As I type, England is under a second lockdown that will not be lifted until December 2nd , at the earliest. Once we land in London, we will have to make our way to a house rental where we will have to quarantine for 14 days before we can see any of our family. We are told we cannot leave quarantine except to get the essentials needed to sustain ourselves for the 2 weeks. Sounds like fun doesn’t it? After that we will be able to go stay with Kenny until we close on our flat. We will be joining them in lockdown so I guess it is like another quarantine, but this time we get to play with the grandkids and see family.
We have several people who have asked us to keep a blog. We tried to think of a new blog to start. Some titles we contemplated were, “the Pandemic chronicles”, “Expats in lockdown”, “COVID complications”, and “I sure hope we don’t get sick”. But, after thinking about it, we decided we wanted this blog to not just be about the pandemic but all the adventures that will be a part of our time in England. We want this to be about the adventures of buying a property overseas, being with the grandkids, moving into our flat, meeting our new neighbors and learning how to garden in a new area so we decided to resurrect an old blog from 8 years ago, Becky’s Bees and Blooms. We hope this will be a hopeful blog that life will go on, even with the struggles and complications around us. Stay tuned, the journey is just beginning.
- Becky
Blog Archive
Tuesday, November 10, 2020
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Blenheim Palace is one of those places we've been back to several times. It's a spectacular palace in Woodstock, not far from Oxfo...
Well here we are, still in quarantine but almost at the half way mark. How are we doing? All things considered we are doing really well. Ou...
After 14 days we are out of our quarantine. So what was it really like? Now it is over it doesn't seem like it was too long but there w...